Rapid clinical guidance
Pathway provides access to concise summaries of clinical guidelines, trials and more, saving you hours every week.
Trusted by 800,000+ medical professionals from leading global institutions
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Introducing our AI assistant — bringing you fast, reliable clinical answers backed by high-quality, verifiable references.
Guideline summaries
Read guidelines in minutes
Quickly find and read hundreds of efficient and accurate guideline summaries.
Evidence review
Easily assess the evidence
Effortlessly interpret evidence with color codes and clear explanations for 300+ grading schemes. Bolster your treatment choices using always-available original references.
Landmark trials
Breeze through the latest trials
Delve into landmark trials with succinct summaries and direct links to the original text. Keep your knowledge up-to-date and refresh your memory in an instant.
Interactive pathways
Get patient-specific guidance
Use mobile-friendly interactive algorithms to reduce error and take the complexity out of aligning with best practices.
For clinicians, by clinicians
Your instant second opinion
Our physician authors and editors painstakingly review the highest quality evidence-based clinical information to give you condensed, accurate and reliable summaries.
- Guideline summaries.
- Quickly find and read guideline summaries, optimized for quick consultation at the bedside.
- Landmark trials.
- Refer to landmark trials for a specific disease, with summaries of key findings and links to the original text.
- Interactive pathways.
- Use interactive algorithms to take the guesswork out of adopting best practices.
- Calculators.
- Access a large library of diagnostic and risk prediction calculators, integrated within guidelines.
- Differential diagnoses.
- Easily consult pertinent findings and differentials when a diagnosis is under question.
- Efficient search.
- Use common and uncommon abbreviations, synonyms and alternative spellings.
- Clinical findings.
- Access succinct summaries with emphasized likelihood ratios for quick, data-driven decisions.
- Drugs (preview).
- Get concise drug info detailing key information for precise, informed prescription practices.
- CME.
- Earn CME credits for every search and every article you read.
Try Pathway today
Evidence-based medicine, simplified
Instantly access hundreds of point-of-care guideline summaries, interactive algorithms, key findings from landmark trials, clinical calculators, and more. Always available offline, wherever you go.