Table of contents
Stimulant use disorder
What's new
Updated 2024 ASAM/AAAP guidelines for the diagnosis and management of stimulant use disorder.
Key sources
Screening and diagnosis
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Indications for testing (hypertension)
Indications for testing (chest pain)
Indications for testing (stroke)
Indications for testing (status epilepticus)
Diagnostic investigations
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Evaluation of intoxication and withdrawal (clinical assessment)
Evaluation of intoxication and withdrawal (laboratory testing)
Medical management
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Psychostimulants (general principles)
Psychostimulants (modafinil)
Psychostimulants (amphetamines)
Psychostimulants (methylphenidate)
Other agents
Management of hyperadrenergic symptoms
Management of chest pain
Management of acute coronary syndrome
Management of cardiomyopathy
Management of QRS widening
Management of seizures
Management of psychosis
Management of cocaine overdose
Management of amphetamine overdose
Management of amphetamine withdrawal
Nonpharmacologic interventions
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Mindfulness-based therapies
Technology-based interventions
Recovery-oriented interventions
Harm reduction strategies
Nutritional support
Specific circumstances
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Vulnerable populations
Injection drug users
Patients with comorbid disorders
Patients with opioid use disorder
Patients with alcohol use disorder
Patients with tobacco use disorder
Patients with depressive disorder
Patients with ADHD
Patient education
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Sexual health counseling