Table of contents
Cervical insufficiency
Cervical insufficiency is defined by transvaginal ultrasound cervical length < 25 mm before 24 weeks in women with prior pregnancy losses or preterm births at 14-36 weeks, or by cervical changes detected on physical examination before 24 weeks of gestation.
Potential causes of cervical insufficiency include occult uterine activity, uterine overdistension, congenital or acquired cervical insufficiency, decidual hemorrhage, infection/inflammation (amniotic fluid or fetal membranes), and biological or genetic variation.
Disease course
Cervical insufficiency is associated with recurrent second- or early third-trimester fetal loss, following painless cervical dilation, prolapse or rupture of the membranes, and expulsion of a live fetus despite minimal uterine activity.
Prognosis and risk of recurrence
Preterm birth due to cervical insufficiency is associated with an infant mortality of 17.2%.
Key sources
The following summarized guidelines for the evaluation and management of cervical insufficiency are prepared by our editorial team based on guidelines from the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists (RCOG 2022), the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO 2021), the Society of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists of Canada (SOGC 2019,2017), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG 2018,2014).
Screening and diagnosis
Screening for risk factors
As per SOGC 2019 guidelines:
Evaluate for risk factors for cervical insufficiency in pregnant females or females planning pregnancy. Elicit a thorough medical history at initial evaluation as it may alert about risk factors in a first or index pregnancy.
Obtain detailed evaluation of risk factors in patients after a mid-trimester pregnancy loss or early premature delivery or with such complications occurred in a preceding pregnancy.
Diagnostic investigations
Medical management
Antibiotic therapy: as per RCOG 2022 guidelines, decide on initiating antimicrobial therapy in patients with a positive culture from a genital swab on an individual basis after discussion with the microbiology team.
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Nonpharmacologic interventions
Activity restriction: as per RCOG 2022 guidelines, do not advise routine bed rest in patients undergone cerclage and individualize the decision, taking into account the clinical circumstances and potential adverse effects that bed rest could have on patients and their families, in addition to increased costs for the healthcare system.
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Cerclage pessary
Therapeutic procedures
Indications for transvaginal cervical cerclage, elective: as per RCOG 2022 guidelines, perform history-indicated cervical cerclage in patients with singleton pregnancies and ≥ 3 previous preterm births.
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Indications for transvaginal cervical cerclage (emergency)
Indications for transabdominal cervical cerclage
Indications for additional cervical cerclage
Technical considerations for cervical cerclage
Indications for cervical cerclage removal
Perioperative care
Periprocedural antibiotic prophylaxis: as per RCOG 2022 guidelines, decide on administering antibiotic prophylaxis at the time of cerclage placement at the discretion of the operating team.
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Periprocedural tocolytics
Preprocedural anomaly screening
Preprocedural chorioamnionitis screening
Preprocedural amniocentesis
Preprocedural amnioreduction
Specific circumstances
Patients with delayed miscarriage or fetal death
As per RCOG 2022 guidelines:
Involve a senior obstetrician to aid decision-making on care and treatment of delayed miscarriage or fetal death in patients with an abdominal cerclage.
Consider performing complete evacuation through the stitch by suction curettage or by dilatation and evacuation (up to 18 weeks of gestation). Consider cutting the suture, usually via a posterior colpotomy, as an alternative. Consider performing hysterotomy or C-section if the former strategy fails.
Patient education
General counseling: as per RCOG 2022 guidelines, provide verbal and written information about potential complications before history- or ultrasound-indicated cerclage. Inform patients of the following before any type of cerclage:
there is a small risk of intraoperative bladder damage, cervical trauma, membrane rupture and bleeding during insertion of cervical cerclage
cervical cerclage may be associated with a risk of cervical laceration/trauma if there is spontaneous labor with the suture in place
high vaginal cerclage, inserted with bladder mobilization, usually requires anesthetic for removal and therefore carries the risk of an additional anesthetic.
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Follow-up and surveillance
Cervical length monitoring
As per RCOG 2022 guidelines:
Consider obtaining serial ultrasound measurement of the cervix individually after ultrasound-indicated cerclage to offer timely administration of corticosteroids or in utero transfer.
Consider obtaining serial ultrasound surveillance in patients with a history of spontaneous second trimester loss or preterm birth who have not undergone a history-indicated cerclage placement.
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Post-cerclage progesterone supplementation
Post-cerclage fibronectin testing