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Hepatitis A virus infection


Key sources

The following summarized guidelines for the evaluation and management of hepatitis A virus infection are prepared by our editorial team based on guidelines from the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP 2024,2021), the British Association for Sexual Health and HIV (BASHH 2023,2017), the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL 2023), the Center for Disease Control (CDC 2021,2020), ...
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Screening and diagnosis

Indications for testing, at-risk population
As per BASHH 2017 guidelines:
Consider obtaining testing for HAV in the sexual health setting in at-risk patients, especially MSM, injection drug users, patients with HBV, HCV, and HIV infections,
with unknown immune status and no definite history of completed HAV vaccination course, depending on local funding arrangements and the risk of not returning for vaccination.
Offer the first vaccine dose on the same day as testing in an outbreak situation or if the patient may not return.
Do not obtain screening for HAV infection in the sexual health setting in patients known to be immune or fully vaccinated against HAV.
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More topics in this section

  • Indications for testing (contacts of patients)

Diagnostic investigations

Serologic testing: as per AAFP 2021 guidelines, obtain anti-HAV IgM to confirm suspected HAV infection.

More topics in this section

  • Screening for STIs

Medical management

Supportive care: as per CDC 2021 guidelines, provide supportive care in patients with acute HAV infection, with no restrictions on diet or activity.
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Specific circumstances

Pregnant patients, prevention
As per EASL 2023 guidelines:
Offer HAV vaccination in pregnant women at risk for HAV infection during pregnancy.
Offer hepatitis A vaccine and immunoglobulin for post-exposure prophylaxis during pregnancy.

More topics in this section

  • Pregnant patients (indications for testing)

  • Pregnant patients (counseling)

  • Pregnant patients (delivery and breastfeeding)

  • Pregnant patients (newborn immunization)

Patient education

General counseling: as per BASHH 2017 guidelines, provide health/sex education about the routes of HAV transmission and the higher incidence in developing countries.
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Preventative measures

Immunization, indications: as per AAFP 2024 guidelines, offer hepatitis A vaccination in MSM of all ages.

More topics in this section

  • Immunization (pre-vaccination testing)

  • Immunization (post-vaccination testing)

  • Post-exposure prophylaxis (vaccination)

  • Post-exposure prophylaxis (immunoglobulin)

Follow-up and surveillance

As per BASHH 2017 guidelines:
Monitor patients at 1-2 weekly intervals until aminotransferase levels are normal (usually 4-12 weeks).
Recognize that HAV immunity is usually lifelong.