Table of contents
Intrauterine growth restriction
Key sources
Screening and diagnosis
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Diagnostic criteria
Diagnostic investigations
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Fetal ultrasound
Uterine artery Doppler ultrasound
Umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound
Fetal cardiotocography
Screening for infections
Screening for aneuploidy
Diagnostic procedures
Medical management
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Specific treatment
Antenatal corticosteroids
Magnesium sulfate
Therapeutic procedures
Patient education
Preventative measures
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Antiplatelet therapy
Anticoagulant therapy
Vitamin D supplementation
Other measures
Follow-up and surveillance
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Ultrasound follow-up
Postnatal maternal surveillance
Postnatal infant surveillance (general principles)
Postnatal infant surveillance (evaluation of short stature)
Postnatal infant surveillance (evaluation of bone maturation and mineral density)
Postnatal infant surveillance (evaluation of neurocognitive impairment)
Postnatal infant surveillance (genetic testing)
Postnatal infant surveillance (nutrition)
Postnatal infant surveillance (GH therapy)
Postnatal infant surveillance (laboratory monitoring)