Table of contents
Hip fracture
Key sources
Diagnostic investigations
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Functional tests
Medical management
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Management of osteoporosis (indications)
Management of osteoporosis (regimens)
Management of osteoporosis (duration)
Inpatient care
Therapeutic procedures
Perioperative care
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Preoperative traction
Perioperative antibiotics
Perioperative thromboprophylaxis
Perioperative blood transfusion
Perioperative antifibrinolytics
Surgical interventions
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Surgical management (anesthesia)
Surgical management (approach)
Surgical management (technical considerations)
Preventative measures
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Prevention of falls (environmental modifications)
Prevention of falls (exercise interventions)
Prevention of falls (multifactorial interventions)
Prevention of falls (vestibular rehabilitation)
Prevention of falls (vitamin D/calcium supplementation)
Prevention of falls (medication review)
Hip protectors