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Hypertension in pregnancy
What's new
Updated 2024 ESC guidelines for the evaluation and management of hypertension in pregnancy.
Key sources
The following summarized guidelines for the evaluation and management of hypertension in pregnancy are prepared by our editorial team based on guidelines from the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP 2024,2023), the American Diabetes Association (ADA 2024), the European Society of Cardiology (ESC 2024,2018), the Society of Obstetric Medicine of Australia and New Zealand (SOMANZ 2024), the European Society of ...
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Screening and diagnosis
Diagnostic investigations
BP measurement: as per ISSHP 2022 guidelines, obtain BP measurement using a standardized technique, including patient's position (sitting, feet flat on the floor), cuff size (large if the mid-upper arm circumference is ≥ 33 cm), Korotkoff V for the DBP, and arm used (both, at least initially).
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Home and ambulatory BP monitoring
Evaluation for secondary hypertension
Screening for preeclampsia
Medical management
Indications for treatment: as per ISSHP 2022 guidelines, initiate antihypertensive therapy in pregnant patients with hypertension, irrespective of the underlying hypertensive disorder of pregnancy.
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BP targets
Choice of agent
Management of severe hypertension
Low-dose aspirin
Other agents
Nonpharmacologic interventions
Therapeutic procedures
Patient education
Preventative measures
Follow-up and surveillance
Home BP monitoring
As per SOMANZ 2024 guidelines:
Consider obtaining home BP monitoring using a validated BP device, where appropriate, in patients with chronic or gestational hypertension, but not as a substitute for the minimum recommended frequency of antenatal review according to the patient's parity and stage of pregnancy.
Reassess compliance and technique with home BP monitoring at each review to ensure ongoing suitability.
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Postpartum management