Table of contents
Hepatocellular carcinoma
What's new
Updated 2024 BSG guidelines for the diagnosis and management of hepatocellular carcinoma.
Key sources
Screening and diagnosis
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Indications for screening (hemochromatosis)
Indications for screening (viral hepatitis)
Indications for screening (occupational liver disease)
Indications for screening (MASLD)
Indications for screening (liver transplant candidates)
Choice of screening tests
Diagnostic criteria
Classification and risk stratification
Diagnostic investigations
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Diagnostic imaging (CT/MRI)
Diagnostic imaging (contrast-enhanced ultrasound)
Imaging for staging (contrast-enhanced ultrasound)
Imaging for staging (PET)
Evaluation for portal hypertension
Diagnostic procedures
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Ancillary testing
Medical management
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Expectant management
Neoadjuvant therapy
Adjuvant therapy
Primary systemic therapy (first-line therapy)
Primary systemic therapy (second-line therapy)
Primary systemic therapy (third-line therapy)
Management of pain
Palliative care (general principles)
Palliative care (radiotherapy)
Nonpharmacologic interventions
Therapeutic procedures
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Transarterial therapies (transarterial embolization/chemoembolization)
Transarterial therapies (selective internal radiotherapy)
Transarterial therapies (combination with systemic therapy)
Percutaneous ethanol injection
External beam radiation therapy (indications)
External beam radiation therapy (technical considerations)
Perioperative care
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Preoperative care (nutrition)
Preoperative care (rehabilitation)
Preoperative care (biliary drainage)
Preoperative care (antibiotic prophylaxis)
Preoperative care (corticosteroids)
Preoperative care (preanesthetic medication)
Intraoperative care (anesthesia and analgesia)
Intraoperative care (fluid management)
Intraoperative care (temperature management)
Postoperative care (thromboprophylaxis)
Postoperative care (early mobilization)
Postoperative care (nutrition)
Postoperative care (antiemetics)
Postoperative care (laxatives)
Surgical interventions
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Surgical resection (technical considerations)
Liver transplantation (indications)
Liver transplantation (bridging therapy)
Specific circumstances
Preventative measures
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Hepatitis B immunization
Management of viral hepatitis
Management of chronic liver disease
Follow-up and surveillance
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Assessment of treatment response
Post-treatment follow-up
Management of recurrence