RENAL score for nephrectomy
Renal mass radius, cm
≤ 4
≥ 7
Exophytic/endophytic properties
≥ 50% exophytic
< 50% exophytic
Entirely endophytic
Nearness of the tumor to the collecting system or sinus, mm
≥ 7
≤ 4
Location relative to polar lines
Entirely above or below
Crosses a polar line
> 50% across the polar line, crosses the renal axial midline, entirely between the polar lines
Please complete all sections.
Jay Simhan, Marc C Smaldone, Kevin J Tsai et al. Objective measures of renal mass anatomic complexity predict rates of major complications following partial nephrectomy. Eur Urol. 2011 Oct;60(4):724-30.
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